ECE, CAPS and IZEA Seminar: Ludovic Ybanez
"Cryogenic Electric Propulsion for Liquid Hydrogen: A Game Changer for Aircraft Propulsion"
This event is sponsored by FAMU-FSU Engineering Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Center for Advanced Power Systems and IZEA.
Abstract: To reduce the carbon footprint of aviation, Airbus is proposing to develop a liquid hydrogen aircraft over the next decade. Liquid hydrogen must be stored at 22K (-250°C), and if such a cold source is available on board, cryogenic cooling of conventional electrical components and the use of high-temperature superconducting technologies promise to revolutionize electric propulsion systems. This pioneering development is pursued with a pragmatic approach, from the exploration activities of Airbus CRT (Central Research & Technology) to the launch in 2021, as part of Airbus UpNext, of the ASCEND project (Advanced Superconducting and Cryogenic Experimental Powertrain Demonstrator). It has been focused on the development of an integrated 500 kW cryogenic propulsion system, comprising superconducting cables, cryogenic power electronics, a superconducting motor, a control and monitoring unit and a cryogenic cooling system. This project demonstrates the potential of cryogenic propulsion in terms of components and equipment figure of merits improvements, as well as a significant value for high-power electric propulsion of future Airbus products.
Dr. Ludovic Ybanez
Head of Cryogenic Electric Propulsion
System Demonstrator
Airbus UpNext
Speaker Bio: Ludovic Ybanez is responsible for the 2 MW cryogenic propulsion demonstrator at Airbus UpNext. After demonstrating with a project called ASCEND the great potential of superconducting technologies for liquid hydrogen aircraft, he took responsibility for the development and maturation of these technologies for electric propulsion systems. He is also in charge of Airbus’ roadmap for superconducting technologies. In addition, he is Managing director of Airbus Exo Zero Emissions SAS.