223: Domino’s Site Redevelopment

Team 223 L to R: Anna Hennis, Sean Moran, Deegan Tarrillo, Trevon Welch

In early 2021, the Domino’s located at 1528 W Tennessee St. in Tallahassee burned down. The building would be demolished, and a new building and site layout put in its place. We designed plans for the new site.

To ensure our project fit within the city’s redevelopment requirements, we considered impervious area, landscaping and access to different modes of transportation (such as pedestrians, cyclists, and public transit users). We also wanted to make the site more visually pleasing.

We focused heavily on the site layout (including geometry, water and electric connections and material costs), improving stormwater drainage and building a retaining wall to support the building. We also adjusted the stormwater drainage on the site, increasing the permeable area. 

Our solution was to create a one-way road through the site with angled spaces. This reduced the area of asphalt, allowing more space for greenery and benches. It also kept traffic from backing up on W. Tennessee Street, an important, high-traffic road. This required the building to be moved closer to the corner of the site, hence the need for a retaining wall. For proper slopes on the roads, the wall had to go most of the way around the building except for the parts around the entrances. Our site also required enclosed bike parking and an accessibility ramp, which are included on the plan sheet. With this project, we created a more transport friendly and accessible site.

Anna Hennis, Sean Moran, Deegan Tarrillo, Trevon Welch

Sean Martin, Ph.D., PE, FRSE

DHM Melvin Engineering, Inc.
