Post-Doc Spotlight
Junayed Pasha, Ph.D., is a post-doctoral research associate in the FAMU-FSU College of Engineering, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering (CEE). Pasha is originally from Dhaka, Bangladesh, and received a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering from Khulna University of Engineering and Technology in 2015. In 2020, he received his doctoral degree in civil engineering from the FAMU-FSU College of Engineering through Florida State University (FSU). He was recently awarded the CEE Future Faculty Award from the department.

He currently researches with Maxim Dulebenets, assistant professor in CEE at the college. His group collaborates with researchers from several universities and organizations.
Pasha’s research focuses on numerous topics in civil engineering. His dissertation, “A Holistic Optimization Model for Integrated Tactical Level Planning in Linear Shipping,” employed a mathematical model to assist shipping companies with supply-chain management decisions.
Tell me about your research?
My research is diverse, involving everything from operations research, transportation, supply chain management and other topics. I currently have two areas of interest: an emerging manufacturing concept called “factory-in-a-box” manufacturing, which has the potential to induce a great deal of flexibility to supply chains. The other topic is a standalone application that could be highly effective in reducing accidents and delays at rail crossings. This could be highly effective in saving lives while maintaining traffic flow, considering monetary limitations.
What brought you to Tallahassee?
The quality of education at the FAMU-FSU College of Engineering has intrigued me. As a graduate student, I went to college through FSU. The cutting-edge research at the Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering is what drove my decision to come to the college.
What inspired you to go into this field of study?
I believe that we can improve the lives of the forgotten through innovation and research. That is why I am here.
What aspect of your area of study do you find most interesting?
My research heavily involves optimization and mathematical programming. I love both, and it feels like I am playing with numbers.
Are there any faculty or staff who have helped or inspired you?
Professor Maxim Dulebenets has always inspired me through his dedication to research. I wouldn’t be here without his help.
What do you like to do when not in the office?
I like hiking, traveling, cooking, and so on.
What are your future plans?
I look forward to continuing my research. I plan to become a professor in academia or join research and development in the industry.
What advice do you have for students?
Try to become the best version of yourself.
NSF-funded “factory-in-a-box” concept could mitigate supply shortage challenges