Engineering Serves campaign launches, aimed at building solutions for resilience

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When disaster strikes, small ideas can have great impact.

The tragedy left behind by Hurricane Michael will not be forgotten in Tallahassee and the Florida panhandle. This year, we decided to use our annual Engineering Design Day and Senior Design projects to create resiliency solutions for the greater good. 

On March 1, FAMU-FSU College of Engineering launches the #EngineeringServes campaign with resilience against natural disasters in mind. We want to promote the creation of projects that have a purpose, can help people--but most importantly bridge the gap between the students and the community.

Projects like tree harvesters to make yard clean up less dangerous and faster, using vehicles as home generators during power outages, and putting turbines in storm drains to create electricity are just some ideas along this theme. We want to seize the opportunity to help in any way we are capable, starting with this.

Between March 1 - 31, 2019, we will accept community submissions for #EngineeringServes project ideas. All submissions should be entered via our social media pages or email. The deadline for ideas is Mar. 31, 2019 and on Apr. 18, 2019, the winning ideas will be announced as part of our annual Senior Engineering Design Day.

Anyone with ideas for challenges that need a solution can submit them online.