Krafft Professor, Chief Materials Scientist of the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory & Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Phone Numbers
Building B, Room B338
Educational History
Ph.D. Physical Metallurgy, Imperial College of the University of London, 1970
B.S. Physical Metallurgy, Imperial College of the University of London, 1965
Research Interests
The structure-property relationships of superconducting materials and their applications to superconducting magnets
Awards, Honors, and Memberships
Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering (2020)
Fellow of the AAAS (American Association for the Advancement of Science) (2015-2015)
Fellow of the Materials Research Society (2014)
Fellow National Academy of Inventors (2013-present)
Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers IEEE (2013)
IEEE Council on Superconductivity Distinguished Lecturer (2009-2010)
Cryogenic Materials Award for Lifetime Achievements 2007 from the International Cryogenic Materials Conference (2007)
Krafft Professor, Florida State University (2006)
National Academy of Engineering (2003)
Fellow Institute of Physics, United Kingdom (2001)
American Physical Society - Fellow (1990-present)