Berger, A. R. and White, E. B., “Roughness-induced transition and turbulent wedge spreading”, Physical Review Fluids. Currently under consideration. arXiv:2010.05323.
Berger, A. R. and Borg, M. P., “Study of Bluntness-Induced Elongated Structures using Variable Beam Separation FLDI”, AIAA Aviation 2023 Forum, p. 3703, 2023.
Berger, A. R. and Borg, M. P., “Study of Bluntness-Induced Elongated Structures in Hypersonic Flow over a 7 degree Circular Cone”, AIAA SCITECH 2023 Forum, p. 0290, 2023.
Berger, A. R. and Borg, M. P., “Co-linear FLDI/Schlieren and Surface Pressure Measurements of Bluntness Induced Elongated Structures in Hypersonic Flow”, AIAA SCITECH 2023 Forum, p. 0473, 2023.
Suryanarayanan, S., Goldstein D. B., Berger, A. R. and White, E. B., “Effect of pressure gradients on the different stages of roughness induced boundary layer transition.”, International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 86, (2020): 108688.
Suryanarayanan, S., Goldstein D. B., Berger, A. R., White, E. B. and Brown, G. L. “Mechanisms of roughness-induced boundary-layer transition control by shielding.”,AIAA Journal 58, no. 7 (2020): 2951-2963.
Berger, A. R. and White, E. B., “Experimental study of the role of high-and low-speed streaks in turbulent wedge spreading.”,AIAA Scitech 2020 Forum, p. 0832. 2020.
Suryanarayanan, S., Goldstein D. B., Berger, A. R., White, E. B. and Brown, G. L. “Toward A Generalized Roughness-Induced-Transition Mitigation Strategy Using A Streamwise Array of 2D Flat Strips.”,Fluid Dynamics Conference, p. 3077. 2018.
McMillan M. N., Berger A. R. and White, E. B., “Measurements of distributed roughness receptivity.”,47th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, p. 4416. 2017.
Berger A. R., McMillan M. N., White, E. B., Suryanarayanan, S. and Goldstein D. B.“Suppression of transition behind a discrete roughness element using a downstream element.”,Tenth International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena. Begel House Inc., 2017.