209: Moody Air Force Base

Team 209 L to R: Pablo Arteaga, Ricardo Patino, Julian Sonnier

Imagine a road within Moody Air Force Base called Stone Road. It’s taken a beating from heavy military trucks and bad weather, making it dangerous for the military personnel who use it.

Our goal was to make Stone Road better in a few ways:

  • Replacing the top two layers of the road with stronger stuff so it can handle heavy trucks.
  • Building a strong wall next to Mission Lake to stop water from pushing on the road.
  • Widening the road and adjusting its path by the lake.
  • Demolishing the old bridge and building a new walkway on top of the new wall, with guardrails for safety.

We used AutoCAD, Excel, and Tekla Structural Designer 2023 to make detailed plans and make sure the wall is strong and safe. We were also careful not to cause too much trouble for the people who live nearby during the project and to protect the environment.

Our project had some big impacts:

  1. Safer driving: The road is safer for military vehicles with better asphalt and wider lanes.
  2. No more flooding: The wall stops the road from flooding, so it is reliable.
  3. Safe walks: The new sidewalk with railings keeps pedestrians safe.
  4. Better looks: The road looks better, making it nicer for everyone.
  5. Not much fuss: We made sure people did not get upset with our project because it was all about safety and thinking of the community.

In the end, our work on Stone Road at Moody Air Force Base made it much safer and better for everyone who uses it.

Pablo Arteaga, Ricardo Patino, Julian Sonnier Cardet

Sean Martin, Ph.D., P.E., FRSE

Moody Air Force Base; Jessica Vuong, April Whitbeck
