Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) - Faculty Advisor, Florida State University Student Chapter
"111" Program Professor, China University of Petroleum, 2012-present.
President, Petro Bio Oil Consulting, 2011 - present
Founding Director, Future Fuels Institute, Florida State University, 2010-2012.
Manager/Principal Project Leader, BP Refinery of the Future, 2006-2009.
Senior R&D Technical Staff, Exxon then ExxonMobil, 1977-2006.
Adjunct Professor at Department of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Environmental Science, New Jersey Institute of Technology, 1991-2001.
Adjunct Professor in special degree program at Exxon, Lehigh University. 1987-88.
American Chemical Society (ACS) – Alternate Councilor, ACS Florida Section (2014-1016), Symposium Chair/Organizer (2013, 2012, 2011, 2009, 2006, 2001, 1998), Baton Rouge Section Chair-Elect (2006), International Activity Committee Associate/Member (1996-2001), Alternate Councilor, North Jersey Section (1995-2001), North Jersey Mass Spectrometry Topical Group Chair (1993-1995)
American Society for Mass Spectrometry (ASMS) – Board Member (2002-2004), Hydrocarbon Interest Group Chair (1994-2003), Nomination and Program Committee (1999,2000), Symposium Chair (2001, 2000, 1997, 1994, 1992)
Chinese American Chemical Society (CACS) – National President (1997, 1998), President-Elect (1995, 1996), Tristate Chapter (NJ, NY, CT) President (1992-1994)
Chinese American Society for Mass Spectrometry (CASMS) – President (1999-2003), Board of Trustees (2003)
Pittsburgh Conference (Pittcon) – Presider (2012, 2009, 2002, 1999, 1998)
Phi Tau Phi Scholastic Honor Society of America
Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement
Exxon Incentive Award
American Chemical Society New Jersey Regional Award for Achievements in Mass Spectrometry
Chinese American Chemical Society Distinguished Service Award
Asian American Heritage Council Award
Exxon Golden Tiger and other Awards
University of Kentucky Institutional Grant Fellow
University of Kentucky Research Foundation Fellow
Who's Who in Science and Engineering
Men of Achievement
“Selective Methylation of Sulfides in Petroleum for Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometric Analysis”, Li, H.; Chen, X.; Wu, J.; Zhang, Y.; Liu, X.; Shi, Q.; S. Zhao; Xu, C.; Hsu, C. S. Energy Fuels 2019, 33, 1797-1802.
“Simultaneous Detection of Vanadium, Nickel, Iron, and Gallium Porphyrins in Marine Shales from Eagle Ford Formation, South Texas“, Zheng, F.; Hsu, C. S.; Zhang, Y.; Sun, Y.; Wu, Y.; Lu, H.; Sun, X.; Shi, Q. Energy Fuels 2018, 32, 10382-10390.
“Molecular Transformation in Simulated Aerobic Biodegradation of a Sulfur-rich Crude Oil Studied by ESI FT–ICR MS”, Liu, W.; Liao, Y.; Pan, Y.; Jiang, B.; Zeng, Q.; Shi, Q.; Hsu, C. S. Org. Geochem. 2018, 123, 17-26.
“Comment on the Molecular Composition of Natural Organic Matter Analyzed by Electrospray FT-ICR MS”, He, C.; Jiang, B.; Shi, Q.; Hsu, C. S. Anal. Chem. 2018, 90, 5965-5967.
“Origin of Polar Organic Sulfur Compounds in Immature Crude Oils Revealed by ESI FT–ICR MS” Liu, W.; Liao, Y.; Shi, Q.; Hsu, C. S.; Jiang, B.; Peng, P. Org. Geochem. 2018, 121, 36-48.
“Molecular Characterization of Sulfur-containing Compounds in Petroleum”, Han, Y.; Zhang, Y.; Xu, C.; Hsu, C. S. Fuel 2018,221, 144-158.
“Evolution of Acidic Compounds in Crude Oil during In-situ Combustion”, Zhao, R.; Sun, J.; Fang, Q.; Wei, Y.; Song, G.; Xu, C.; Hsu, C. S.; Shi, Q. Energy Fuels 2017, 31, 5926-5932.
“Evolution of Acidic Compounds in Crude Oil during In-situ Combustion”, Zhao, R.; Sun, J.; Fang, Q.; Wei, Y.; Song, G.; Xu, C.; Hsu, C. S.; Shi, Q. Energy Fuels 2017, 31, 5926-5932.
“Molecular Selectivity in Supercritical CO2 Enhanced Oil Recovery”, Cao, X.; Peng, B.; Ma. S.; Ni, H.; Zhang, L.; Zhang, W.; Li, M.; Hsu, C. S.; Shi, Q. Energy Fuels 2017, 31, 4996-5002.
“2,3,6- and 2,3,4- aryl isoprenoids in Paleocene crude oils from Chinese Jianghan Basin: constrained by water column stratafication”, Lu, H.; Shen, C.; Zhang, Z.; Liu, M; Sheng, G.; Peng, P.; Hsu, C. S. Energy Fuels 2015, 29, 4690-4700.
Springer Handbook of Petroleum Technology, C. S. Hsu and P. R. Robinson, eds., New York: Springer, 2017 (ISBN: 978-3-319-49345-9; e-ISBN: 978-3-319-49347-3)
Practical Advances in Petroleum Processing (2 volumes), Hsu, C. S. Hsu; Robinson, P. R. (eds.), New York:, Springer, 2006 (ISBN 0-387-25811-6)
Analytical Advances for Hydrocarbon Research, Hsu, C. S. (ed.), New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, 2003 (ISBN 0-306-47476-X)
Chemistry of Diesel Fuels, Song, C.; Hsu, C. S.; Mochida, I. (eds.), Philadelphia: Taylor & Francis, 2000. (ISBN 1-56032-845-2)
“Introduction of Petroleum Technologies”, Robinson, P. R.; Hsu, C. S. Chapter 1 in Springer Handbook of Petroleum Technology, Hsu, C. S.; Robinson, P. R. (Eds.) New York: Springer, 2017; pp. 1-83.
“Molecular Science, Engineering and Management”, Hsu, C. S, Chapter 3 in Springer Handbook of Petroleum Technology, Hsu, C. S.; Robinson, P. R. (Eds.) New York: Springer, 2017; pp. 151-172.
“Petroinformatics”, Hur, M.; Kim, S.; Hsu, C. S. Chapter 4 in Springer Handbook of Petroleum Technology, Hsu, C. S.; Robinson, P. R. (Eds.) New York: Springer, 2017; pp. 173-198.
“Petroleum Distillation”, Hsu, C. S,; Robinson, P.R. Chapter 16 in Springer Handbook of Petroleum Technology, Hsu, C. S.; Robinson, P. R. (Eds.) New York: Springer, 2017; pp. 533-550.
“Gasoline Production”, Hsu, C. S,; Robinson, P.R. Chapter 17 in Springer Handbook of Petroleum Technology, Hsu, C. S.; Robinson, P. R. (Eds.) New York: Springer, 2017; pp. 551-587.
“Biomass to Liquid (BTL) Fuel”, Brodeur, G.; Ramakrishnan, S.; Hsu, C. S. Chapter 38 in Springer Handbook of Petroleum Technology, Hsu, C. S.; Robinson, P. R. (Eds.) New York: Springer, 2017; pp. 1117-1132.
“Petroleum and Its Products”, Robinson, P. R.; Hsu, C. S. Handbook of Industrial Chemistry and Biotechnology, 13th Edition, Kent, J. A.; Bommaraju, T. V.; Barnicki, S. D. (eds.) New York: Springer, 2017; pp. 13-106.
"Biomarker Analysis for Petroleum Exploration", Hsu, C. S.; Walters, C. C.; Isaksen, G. H.; Schaps, M. E.; Peters, K. E. Chapter 9, Analytical Advances for Hydrocarbon Research, Hsu, C. S. (Ed.) New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, 2003; 223-245.
"Coupling Mass Spectrometry with Liquid Chromatography for Petroleum Research", Hsu, C. S. Chapter 11, Analytical Advances for Hydrocarbon Research, Hsu, C. S. (Ed.) New York: Kluwer Academic/ Plenum Publishers, 2003; 267-284.
"GC/MS in the Petroleum Industry", Hsu, C. S.; Drinkwater. D. Chapter 3, Current Practice in GC/MS (Chromatogr. Sci. Series, Vol. 86), Niessen, W. W. A. (Ed.) New York: Dekker Marcel, 2001; pp. 55-94.
"Diesel Fuel Analysis", Hsu, C. S, In Encyclopedia of Analytical Chemistry, John Wiley, 2000; pp. 6613-6622.
"Molecular Characterization of Diesel Fuels by Modern Analytical Techniques", Hsu, C. S.; Genowitz, M. W.; Dechert, G. J.; Abbott, D. J.; Barbour, R. Chapter 2, Chemistry of Diesel Fuels, Song, C.; Hsu, C. S.; Mochida, I. (Eds.), Philadelphia: Taylor & Francis, 2000; pp. 61-76.
"Rapid Detailed Analysis of Diesel Fuels by GC-FIMS", Malhatra, R.; Coggiola, M. J.; Young, S. E.; Hsu, C. S.; Dechert, G. J.; Rahimi, P. M.; Briker, Y. Chapter 3, Chemistry of Diesel Fuels, Song, C.; Hsu, C. S.; Mochida, I. (Eds), Philadelphia: Taylor & Francis, 2000; pp. 77-92.
"Petroleum: Composition", Robbins, W. K.; Hsu, C. S. In Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology, Fourth Edition, New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1996; pp. 352-370.
"Hydrocarbons", Hsu, C. S. In Encyclopedia of Analytical Science, premiere edition, London: Academic Press, 1995; pp. 2028-2034.
"Hopane, a New Chemical Tool for Measuring Oil Biodegradation", Butler, E. L.; Douglas, G. S.; Steinhauer, W. G.; Prince, R. C.; Aczel,; Hsu, C. S.; T.; Bronson, M. T.; Clark, J. R.; Lindstrom, J. E. in On-Site Bioreclamation: Processes for Xenobiotic and Hydrocarbon Treatment, Hinchee, R. E.; Olfenbuttel, R. F. (Eds.), Stoneham, MA: Butterworth-Heinemann, 1991; pp. 515-521.
"Methyl Steranes in Marine Source Rocks", Requejo, A. G.; Hsu, C. S.; Dechert, G. J. In Organic Geochemistry: Advances and Applications in Energy and the Natural Environment, Manning, D. (Ed.), Manchester Univ. Press, 1991; pp. 201-205.
U.S. Patents 4,922,028. "Process for the Hydroformylation of Sulfur Containing Thermally Cracked Petroleum Residue and Novel Products Thereof", A. A. Oswald, R. N. Bhatia, E. J. Mozeleski, A. A. Glivicky, B. G. Brueggman, J. R. Hooton, C. M. Smith and C. S. Hsu.
U.S. Patents 5,030,774. "Process for the Hydroformylation of Sulfur Containing Thermally Cracked Petroleum Residue and Novel Products Thereof", A. A. Oswald, R. N. Bhatia, E. J. Mozeleski, A. A. Glivicky, B. G. Brueggman, J. R. Hooton, C. M. Smith and C. S. Hsu.
EP0546718, "Synthesis of Derivatized Fullerenes", G. P. Miller, C. S. Hsu and J. M. Millar.
U.S. Patent 5,294,349. "Coal Depolymerization and Hydroprocessing", G. M. Kramer, E. R. Ernst, C. S. Hsu, G. H. Singhal and P. S. Maa.
U.S. Patent 5,298,157. "Coal Depolymerization Utilizing Hard Acid/Soft Base", G. M. Kramer, E. R. Ernst and C. S. Hsu.
DE 4325687. "Coal depolymerization with a hard acid and soft base and hydrogenation to hydrocarbon oils", G. M. Kramer, E. R. Ernst, C. S. Hsu, G. H. Singhal, and P. S. S. Maa.
DE 4325715. "Low-ash coal by depolymerization with a hard acid and soft base", G. M. Kramer, E. R. Ernst and C. S. Hsu.
U.S. Patent 5,462,680. "Free Radical Adducts of Fullerene with Hydrocarbons and Polymers", S. J. Brois, A. O. Patel, W. W. Schulz, C. S. Hsu, and R. T. Garner.
U.S. Patent 5,644,129. "Direct Analysis of Paraffin and Naphthene Types in Hydrocarbon Mixtures", C. S. Hsu, S. C. Blum, Z. Liang, P. B. Grosshans, and W. K. Robbins.
EP0908925. "Determining Halogen Toxicity Level of Halogenated Compounds", C. S. Hsu.
U.S. Patent 5,958,224. "A Process for Deep Desulfurization Using Combined Hydrotreating-Oxidation", T. C. Ho, C. S. Hsu, G. D. Dupre, R. Liotta, and V. B. Buckholz.
U.S. 6,060,325. "Detection and Monitoring Toxic Halogenated Compounds", C. S. Hsu.
U.S. Patent 7,671,328. "Method of Producing Molecular Profiles of Isoparaffins by Low Emitter Current Field Ionization Mass Spectrometry", C. S. Hsu, G. J. Dechert, H. S. Aldrich and G. D. Dupre