Student Outcomes SACS - Master of Science in Industrial Engineering
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- Student Outcomes SACS - Master of Science in Industrial Engineering
Student Learning Outcomes:
Communication skill
Define Outcome: Upon completion of instruction, graduates will be able to write a research article suitable for publication.
Critical thinking skill
Define Outcome: Upon completion of the course of instruction, graduates will be able to demonstrate the ability to design and conduct experiments and interpret the data obtained.
Professional and Career Success
Define Outcome: By the end of the year, the program will retain support from at least 4 industry or government organizations to support thesis projects of students. This will result in more of our thesis option students achieving practical, "real world" experience through an increase in government and industry participation as evidenced by departmental assessment of the list of the industries or government entities supporting projects, as well as NSF I/UCRC members.
Specific knowledge content
Define Outcome: Upon completion of the course of instruction, graduates will successfully complete CORE courses.
Professional and Career Success
Define Outcome: Upon completing the course of instruction, graduates will have the knowledge and skills to enter industry.